Learning Support

To apply for a space in our Nursery. 

Click here to apply!

Reading at home

Reading challenge!

Can you read 25 books for 25 Years of World book?

You will be in with the chance of receiving certifiate and badge during celebration worship!

'Just keep reading' bookmark

For (Y3, 4, 5 and 6)

Every time your child reads at home please initial and date one of the circles on the back. Once they have read 5 times, your child needs to show the bookmark to their class teacher to have a raffle ticket placed in the jar. 

At the end of every term, we will pick one winner from LKS2 (Y3-4) and one from UKS2 (Y5-6). The winners will receive a book voucher to spend on new books! 

Happy reading and remember .... The more raffle tickets you have in the jar, the more chances you have of winning! 

Remote learning

Tadpole Farm CEPA Remote Learning Offer

This plan will be actioned for:

  • An individual child who is advised to self-isolate
  • Closure of a bubble or year group
  • Whole school closure

At Tadpole Farm CEPA, we are committed to ensuring that all children receive a quality education whether this be in school or at home. We also would like to make sure that individual children who are required to self-isolate have access to learning that mirrors that of their peers in school.

Within all plans, teachers will set appropriate work in-line with our current curriculum and children will be able to share their learning with the teacher via the Seesaw

platform. The Seesaw platform will offer the chance for teachers to celebrate children’s work and maintain our school community. In the event of a year group closure or a whole school closure, the class teacher will run daily zooms with the children. In these sessions, the class teacher will explain the tasks, deliver key learning concepts for the week and answer any questions that the children may have. For individual children that have been advised to self-isolate when the year group bubble has remained open, the class teacher or key stage lead will make a phone call home to check on the child and their family.

In preparation for home-learning, parents and children need to receive logins and passwords for the following platforms (likewise teaching staff need to be familiar with them):  Zoom (session links to be sent via MyED app)  Purple Mash,  Bugclub (Ks1)  TT Rockstars and SEESAW or tapestry.

SEND: For children with Special Educational needs the teacher will prepare targeted resources to support home learning. Where possible, there will be weekly calls with our school SENDco.

In the event of any form of isolation and loss of learning caused by Coronavirus, parents should understand that engagement in remote learning is essential unless children themselves are too ill to attend or engage in learning.

Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions


  • Tadpole Farm CE Primary Academy, Greene Street, Tadpole Garden Village, Blunsdon, SN25 2QS