To apply for a space in our Nursery.
Below you will find lots of useful information about our school timings, uniform, lunches and wraparound care, as well as our term dates and parent school calendar.
If you have any further questions please use the Contact Us form at the bottom of this page.
8:50 am to 3:30 pm. (This is 33hr 45mins a week).
Drop off:
Main gate: Y1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Side gate by main entrance: YN, YR and Y6
Pick up:
Main gate: ,Y4 and 5
Side gate by car park: Y3
Playground: Y1/Y2
Side gate by main entrance: YR and Y6
Morning Session - 8:40 - 11:40
Afternoon Session - 12:20 - 3:20
Our Wraparound Care Service, Lilypad, provides an opportunity for busy parents to extend the school day, both in our Breakfast Club and our Afterschool Club.
Lilypad is run by school staff and offers a whole school approach for children from Reception to Year 6.
Our Breakfast Club starts at 7.30am, with breakfast (toast or cereal) provided until 8am. The children are then free to play, read or play some games until they are taken down to their classrooms to start the school day at 8.30am. The cost for this provision is £4 each session.
Our Afterschool Club starts at the end of the school day, 3.30pm when the children are taken to Lilypad. They start the session by enjoying a snack they have brought in from home, then they can choose from a variety of fun things to do such as sports games, supported homework, reading, playing outside and other rotational activities, with their friends. The session ends at 6pm prompt, but you are welcome to collect your child anytime during these hours.
If you would like to request a place for our Lilypad sessions please download and complete our Expression of Interest form and return electronically to the School Office.
Spaces are allocated on a first come, first served basis and you will be required to sign a contract when accepting a place. Sessions are uploaded to ParentPay on a monthly basis and payment must be made a month in advance. If we are full on your requested days we do have a waiting list that we would be happy to add you to.
Our Catering Team, Sodexo provide a healthy variety of delicious meal choices for you to book for your child/children consisting of a choice of hot meals, jacket potatoes and baguettes, with all dietary needs covered. All children in Reception, Year One and Year Two are entitled to Free School Meals. After that there will be a charge of £2.41 for each booked meal.
Meals are booked using our School Food United app. The log in details of this will be sent to you once your child has started with us.
You are also welcome to send your child in with a packed lunch. If you are sending your child in with a packed lunch please remember that we are a nut-free school, including chocolate spreads. We also support families making healthy choices and will pop a note in your child’s lunch bag if we feel an unhealthy choice has been made. The NHS ‘Better Health’ scheme website has lots of information on what is and what is not a healthy choice, including lots of fun and interesting recipe ideas.
Our menu until Term Two can be found here.
We aim to have a smart yet affordable school uniform that accommodates all children's preferences. We prefer all children, from Reception classes onwards, to wear a sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo on - if this is not possible then we ask that the sweatshirts or cardigans worn are royal blue.
Footwear should be suitable for active learning and play, so should be closed toed shoes or ankle boots - open-toed sandals or boots above the ankle are not suitable for our learning environment.
Any jewellery should be restricted to a watch and stud earrings (which must be covered for PE).
Hair accessories should be in school colours and only small bows/plain headbands.
Our logo'd school uniform is supplied by Monkhouse Schoolwear & Dress My School.
Download our 2023/2024 School Term Dates here.
Headteacher: Mr John Spencer
School timings:
Gates open at 8.30am, for Registration at 8.50am. The school day finishes promptly at 3.30pm - Monday-Friday
Office opening hours:
8.30am - 4pm Monday-Friday
Answerphone operating times:
3.50pm - 8:30am Monday - Friday
Copyright Tadpole Farm CE Primary Academy © 2025
Website by Warp Design & Thinking Creative